OmniX Reporting Software


View detailed job information with the new manroland Goss OmniX reporting application.

The OmniX Reporting Application reads “.rose” files  in order to display press production data. The .rose files are data files generated by Omnicon based presses that contain job and press statistics. Files are generated daily and refreshed hourly. Information is viewable an hour after it occurs.

The OmniX Recorder Service is a Windows service that is used to copy .rose files from an Omnicon Press network to a location that can be accessed by users of the OmniX Rose Viewer application.

The application suite consists of:

  • OmniX Reporting, a Microsoft Windows application which reports on the *.rose files. Any existing .rose files may be read, with no changes to press configuration or software.
  • OmniX Recorder Service, a Microsoft Windows service which copies production data (*.rose files) from one or more Omnicon press networks to an archive directory accessible to the Rose Viewer. Since the files are refreshed hourly, information is viewable an hour after it occurs.
  • A user-friendly configuration application and guide


  • Ceramic idler roller with adjustment screws for squeeze settings to adjacent rubber roller
  • Pneumatic air cylinder actuation, auto or manual
  • Segmented blades mounted to a common blade shaft
  • Removable drip trays at each end of the roller


  • Omnicon controls (either stand-alone controls or integrated into Omnicon)
  • Sunday inker oiler system
  • Available for web width 38-75” (965-1905 mm)


  • Summarize job statistics, such as Job ID, good/waste quantities and percentages, start/end times, and job phase durations
  • Align faults, user actions, and other time dependent data with the speed graph
  • Export various data sets to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets
  • Customers can install and configure the application themselves on a customer supplied computer. This application suite includes a user-friendly configuration application and a quick help guide.
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